SSI Aero Structures
How developing a streamlined sales process helped SSI aero Structures go global.
SSI Aero Structures are a military and commercial AeroSpace Facility specialising in the manufacture and development of advanced aircraft structures.
SSI Aero Structures unparalleled customer service was their competitive advantage. They had cultivated a unique ability to offer large contractor capabilities with the flexibility and responsiveness of a small company while staying competitive in cost and delivering superior products.
The ironic issue, was due to their emphasis on customer care, clients had became accustomed to contacting senior SSI Aero Structure staff directly and having their needs being met to the highest of standards effectively and efficiently.
For the clients, this was great, however, for Aero Structures, this sales system was not scalable and took too much time and energy from senior staff members.
For SSI Aero Structures to grow, they had to develop a sales system which could find new clients, cultivate relationships and bring clients through a streamlined sales funnel from cold calls to converted customers.
For companies that predate the internet, it can be hard to cultivate sales systems, sales processes and salespeople.
The Outcome
SSI Aerostructures' wide variety of bespoke services was streamlined and grouped to help new clients quickly grasp and understand their main services.
This refinement of hierarchy and presentation allowed more focused sales material to be developed, which in turn allowed the development of a sales funnel.
The more complex the service, the further through the sales funnel the customer flowed, until warmed and presented to senior staff to help close deals and answer more complex questions.
This allowed junior salespeople to begin learning about the endless complexities of the industry whilst cultivating customer relationships of their own.
The Impact
By tiering the sales process, junior staff were able to answer more and more questions while learning from senior management.
This system also allowed senior staff to focus on more complex issues, larger clients and only become involved when needed; rather than the majority of their time being spent on maintaining existing customer-facing relationships.
Brand Positioning
Brand Strategy
Brand Audit
Competitive Audit
Brand Guidelines
Web Development
Pay Per Click
Art Direction
Marketing Material

New website built highlighting a sales funnel which reflected the new structure of the company

Sales marketing material developed and designed.