I help businesses find their ideal customers and turn marketing into real sales.
Unlike most brand strategists, my experience is rooted in the implementation of strategy, rather than the theory of strategy. My approach to brand strategy is focused solely on gaining more leads, clients and/or sales for my clients.
I help companies find their ideal customers.
I am a brand strategist based in Westport, Co. Mayo passionate about building brands that connect with customers and drive sales.

Paul Feeney
Survival Systems International
A Global lifeboat manufacturing company
Verisense Technologies
Worldclass wearable sensing platforms
Shimmer Research
A Global Leader In Wearable Technology.
SSI Aerostructures
Specialising In The Manufacture Of Advanced Aircraft Structures.
Commercial Storage, Montrose, Scotland
Finding The Ideal Customer For A Large-Scale Commercial Storage Company.
Cannabis Lite
A CBD Dispensary offering premium CBD buds.

Focus on the framework,
Not the marketing.
Brand Strategy is about story-selling
To do good work is to work with good people. My constant pursuit to improve my business development skills allows me to uncover opportunities within my work, my partners and my clients.